Sunday 20 April 2014

So near and yet...

Apologies to anyone that's reading this thing, I haven't posted for simply ages.

My book, Working In Unison is very nearly finished - Huzzah! And other eighteenth-century exclamations.

I had to stop about two thirds of the way through as I was stuck - I realised I commited a crime in the first few pages and, in my working synopsis completely forgot to explain who did it. Upon reflection, I realised that I had forgotten about it so thoroughly that I no longer remembered who did it...

Let us all make a note at this point to make notes about stuff all the time. Especially if it's to do with who did it.

Anyway, I started another book while I was stuck which is one I meant to write ages ago but hadn't got around to. When I got stuck with that one, I went back to this one - yes, it's a strange way of working but it works for me.

Having said I'm nearly finished here, I opened today's file I'm working on and found a note to myself that said THIS IS (yes, like that, all in capitals) ALL RUBBISH.

If that's what I think of it, goodness knows what an agent's going to make of it.

So I guess there are still some miles to go before I sleep. On the plus side, I now know who did it. And have to write it all then fit it neatly into the tightly-woven plot I already have concerning all the other things that got done.

It's going to be like shoving a pickle into a toothpaste tube. What? Never done that? You haven't lived...