Sunday, 9 June 2013

After you....

Not being one to rest on my novels - uh, my laurels - I went online to look for gay publishers or agents in the UK. I could send my novel to a regular agent or publisher when it's done as it's basically a crime novel, but I don't want to. I don't want it to be, uh, straightened out. 

I guess I'd rather be marginalised. :D

So I put in a Google search for gblt author's agents - only to have Google tell me that I should be searching for this - lgbt.

Okay. I guess that's what it's called - but why? Is it some kind of remnant of ladies first culture left over from when so many men opened so many doors; and sank with their ships so many times after the little woman had floated away on the lifeboat?

Dunno. I just found it interesting. It's the little things that define a culture, n'est ce pas?

Excuse me. Not being a poseur. Lol. Just relearning French and it keeps popping out. Oo-er. :D

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Success at last!

I have been very remiss... look how long it is since I posted!

I wasn't feeling myself. Yeah, yeah, very funny. Seriously. I had a fit of self-doubt and a writer's block caused by therewhich - still got it from the look of that invented word - and it got to the point where I couldn't even write my blog.

All better now, though, I think I was a bit up in the air about this:

But all is good now as I was shortlisted and am a happy bunny. Realise I need to develop a more professional attitude if I'm going to get this book finished and, hopefully, published. No more sabotaging myself by rushing off and starting writing a bunch of other stuff! I managed to dilute myself to the point where I wasn't doing any of em.